Building an AWS Auto Scaling Group (ASG) using Terraform Enterprise (contd)

Building an AWS Auto Scaling Group (ASG) using Terraform Enterprise (contd) In the last article, we looked at how to push Terraform code through GithHub to Terraform enterprise, setting up our infrastructure.

The first part of this article can be viewed here.

This article highlights how to use CLI to push Terraform codes to Terraform enterprise to set up needed infrastructure.

Triggering the Run

  • Create a new workspace and select the run type as CLI-driven runs pic1

Then set up variables such as your access key and secrets.


  • Login to your enterprise
terraform login

Copy the API token and paste it in your terminal when prompted


  • Copy and add the given code block to your file. image

  • Run the following Terraform commands:

    terraform init
    terraform plan
    terraform apply



  • Head over to your AWS account, to view the created resources image

  • It is good practice to delete all provisioned services, to avoid incurring costs when using cloud providers.

    terraform destroy

    Useful Resources

  • GitHUb Repo
  • Terraform Modules and how to use them

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